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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Mode And Incentive Effects On Aspects Of Survey Administration And Data Quality
Author O’Brien, J. E., Levin, K., Hagerty, T., Greenlees, J. B., Saxon-Harrold, S. K. E., Kirsch, A. D.
Year 2001
Access date 29.05.2004
Abstract Researchers have directed attention toward examining the effects of survey mode and the distribution of incentives on various survey outcomes. Interest in these factors is motivated by a desire to conduct cost-effective surveys with high response rates and high data quality, both of which can be affected by mode of administration and incentives. Some studies have compared different modes of administration, while others have examined the effect of incentives. Few studies have examined both factors in one study. A survey of Americans’ giving and volunteering behaviors was simultaneously conducted face-to-face using an area probability design and on the telephone using a list-assisted RDD design. All aspects of survey administration remained constant across mode and incentive factors with few exceptions. A three-level incentive factor ($0, $5, and $20) was imple-mented in the telephone study, where all field respondents received a $5 incentive. The results revealed no indication of a mode effect in the reports of giving and volunteering behavior. However, there is a clear indication that incentives do increase re-sponse rates, but response rates for the $20 incentive were not significantly greater than those for the $5 incentive. Additional analysis will explore the possible effects of both factors on data quality.
Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - 2001 (57)

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